For many, the bigger concern is that under Chinese regulations, a mainland company cannot easily send money offshore to service the interest and principal on its foreign debt. 对许多人来说,更令人担心的是,按照中国法规,内地企业不能轻易将资金汇出境外,用于偿还涉外债务的本息。
Negative amortisation mortgages even let people pay only part of their interest each month and to add the rest to the principal, increasing their debt, not their savings. 负分期付款贷款甚至让人们只付每个月的一部分利息,然后把其它的加到本金里。这是增加他们的债务,而不是储蓄。
For sovereigns, a credit event is defined by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association as a failure to pay a coupon interest payment or principal, a restructuring changing the terms of an agreement or the repudiation of or moratorium on debt. 对主权债务而言,国际互换与衍生品协会(isda)定义的信用事件是指未能支付票息或本金、重组(改变协议条款)、拒绝或暂停偿债。
The kind and amount of the principal debt secured; 被担保的主债权种类、数额;
The four principal lenders, which hold about 70 per cent of the debt, agreed it should be swapped for$ 2bn in cash, paving the way for a heavily restructured Chrysler, part-owned by Fiat, the Italian carmaker. 四家主要的贷款机构持有克莱斯勒约70%的债务,它们同意接受20亿美元的现金以了结这些债务,这为克莱斯勒的彻底重组铺平了道路。
Buy a house outright, ie not by instalments A one-time or lump-sum payment made by a borrower in addition to the regular payments on a loan or mortgage which reduces the principal owing on the debt. 以一次付款方式买房.借方在定期支付房屋贷款付款之外一次性缴纳的款项,用以降低贷款本金额。
It will continue to lengthen the maturity of its assets and reinvest the principal repayments from its holdings of agency debt and mortgage-backed securities in yet more agency securities. 美联储将继续延长所持资产的到期日,并将所持机构债以及抵押贷款支持证券到期后的本金偿付再次投资于购买更多的机构证券。
It should be no surprise, therefore, that the principal balance-sheet effect of Japan's long crisis was a rise in the government's gross debt from 70 per cent of GDP in 1990 to 180 per cent at the end of last year. 因此,日本长期危机对资产负债状况的主要影响,是政府债务总额从1990年GDP的70%升至去年年底的180%,对此我们不应感到奇怪。
Run in debt is a manner of run which uses foreign funds to gain economic profit meanwhile to pay principal plus interest of debt. 负债经营是企业利用外部的资金来获取经济利益,同时要偿付债务资金本息的一种经营方式。
In the late 1980s, due to a debt crisis in emerging economies, banks exited from the sovereign debt market by means of the Brady plan, which resulted in a shift towards bonds as the principal instrument of sovereign debt. 随着80年代后期新兴市场国家债务危机的爆发、银行通过布雷迪计划出逃主权债务市场,债券取代银行贷款成为主权国家融资最主要的方式。
As with the relaxation of the theory, the establishment of mortgage debt before the lord or elimination before the of principal debt do not violate its attachment. 随着附从性理论的缓和,抵押权先于主债权设立或者先于主债权消灭均不违反其附从性。
In order to meet the needs of daily life and common interests of the spouses, the couples individual or family as the principal carry out external economic exchanges tend to frequent, the couples common debt are increasing in practice and the forms renders diversification features. 为满足夫妻日常生活以及共同利益的需要,夫妻个人或者家庭作为主体开展对外经济交往趋于频繁,在实践中引发的夫妻共同债务也日益增多,形式呈现多样化特征。
Based on the stability of the relationship between social lives, the debtor, mortgage and other interested parties such as multi-interests, the principal debt statute of limitations expired, the mortgagee should be eliminated. 基于对社会生活关系的稳定性、债务人、抵押人和其他利害关系人等多方利益的考虑,主债权诉讼时效届满,抵押权应当消灭。
Modern financial theory is based on principal-agent theory and the theory of asymmetric information considerations, suggests that the impact of corporate debt financing has great impact on enterprises investment. 现代财务理论基于委托-代理理论和信息不对称理论的考虑,认为企业负债融资影响投资规模。
Attached to the principal claim, mortgages 'basic function is to guarantee the realization of the principal debt. 抵押权附从于主债权,其基本功能是担保主债权的实现。
As a debt, the duration between receivables and principal debt may be different. 应收账款作为债权,存在清偿期限,与被担保债权的清偿期可能不一致。